Php Gen wrote:

After a lot of seaching (on this list(archives),
google, forums etc) I saw a quite a few products like
ioncube, zend, codesecure, blender, mmCache encryptor
etc etc

I think it depends on the scale of your product. If it is something that a company is going to deploy on their own web servers then it would be fair enough to ask them to make sure they have the required Zend files installed to be able to decrypt your application.

On the other hand, if you are trying to sell a small application to "smaller" web sites (i.e. hobby sites, or just sites that don't require their own dedicated servers) then you will run into a problem with the Zend solution, as I found out, that a lot of hosts won't even install that. If you want to offer a trial version of your application (encrypted, naturally) and it doesn't work when the user uploads it to their host, you've 99% of the time lost that sale right away.

To encrypt or not decrypt is a business decision more than a technical one.

For what it is worth - I use SourceGuardian on a few smaller projects. It doesn't require any libraries / extensions to be loaded as it can include them at run-time (well, most of the time anyway). So it might be worth looking at it? Cheaper than Zend too. The biggest problem I have found with it is that you cannot install it onto a server that has the Zend Debugger running (they conflict). But then no *production* server should have this, but local development machines (especially those running Zend Studio) will.


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