On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 20:47:37 -0700, Daevid Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Linux. PHP5.
> Why does this fail when using an array element, but using a variable will
> work? Why should PHP care what the variable is I'm trying to store into?
> list($bar['CompanyCode'], $CompanyDB) = mysql_fetch_row($sth);
> But this works:
> list($foo, $CompanyDB) = SQL_ROW($sth);
> And of course I'd have the extra...
> $foo = $bar['CompanyCode'];

Because list() is a language construct, not a function. It assumes
what you give it is a normal variable, it doesn't understand arrays.

Better IMHO to use $row = mysql_fetch_assoc() and access the array it
returns directly.

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