Just a quick question,

Did you alter the upload_max_filesize to 500MB
and the post_max_size to say 510MB and you succesfully
upload 500MB files from one machine to the server?

I never testes with filesizes that large, but It would be nice to
hear if it accually works without tweaking to much.

I would also think that the general 30sec timout would need to
be altered as moving a 500MB file from /var/ to the users homedirectory
and then do some filechecking on it and such would easilly need
some extra seconds. Not to think of the overhead if many people
upload large files at a time.

Ok, its a vague post this, just looking for some input here, :D

Its like the needle and the haystack, dont know what im exatcly looking
for here, but you never know. I work with large files myself on some
systems, and its always nice to get feedback whatever it is from other
people working with the same stuff.

Kim Steinhaug
There are 10 types of people when it comes to binary numbers:
those who understand them, and those who don't.
www.steinhaug.com - www.easywebshop.no - www.easycms.no www.webkitpro.com

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