* Thus wrote Matt Winslow:
> I'm not new to PHP, but I have very little experience with arrays.  I have comma 
> separated values in a database, that I need to pull out, explode into an array, then 
> check certain checkboxes if they exist.
> I have two variables:
> $x = "2,10,34"
> $y = "28,15,16"
> I need to explode them both, so that the values of $x are they keys, and the values 
> of $y are the values.  Is that possible?

$final = array();
$Y = explode(',', $y);

foreach(explode(',', $x) as $key => $val ) {
  $final[$val] = $Y[$key];


> I have a form, with checkboxes that are named $product[1] through [40].  Next to 
> them are textboxes labeled $price[1] through [40].  How would make the form, when it 
> loads, have $product[2], [10], [34] checked, with $price[2], [10], and [34] equal to 
> "28", "15", and "16" respecively.

What is the relationship between the $x,$y and $product,$price?
I'm not sure I quite grasp what your trying to do.

If I understand correctly, the situation you describe ends up not
being a one-one relationship. So a user could select 4 prices with
3 products or vice versa. Which will make things difficult to match
up products/prices.

The above comments may offend you. flame at will.

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