(Don't write to me telling me to use linux, i dont want to, this is my home
machine not a production server, thank you, now if you really want to help
keep on reading)

I got a most recent copy of PHP 5.01 extracted into "C:\php" and everything
seems to be working fine as long as i dont ask to load extensions. Any
extension that i try to add will fail to load and i'm clueless.

At first in the PHP.ini file this was the original directive:

; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
extension_dir = "./"

And it would not work so i changed it to a hardcoded path

; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
extension_dir = "C:\php\ext"

Still no extensions wont load. Whats the weirdest, all the DLLs are at the
correct location, apache reports: "PHP startup: Unable to load dynamic
library 'C:\php\ext\php_mysql.dll' - The specified module could not be

but it IS there, at the exact location, i even looked and compared both
paths manually letter by letter. Another weird thing to note is that some
extensions DO load while some don't, here is a list of the extensions that
i'm loading and which one fails (Note ALL extensions DLL are indeed in the
folder intended, they just dont load)

extension=php_mysql.dll <<< fails but it's vital to me

these extensions are activated, only mysql fails, but there are other i
wanted earlier lemme see which ones: (These would be nice to have, i'll tell
you which one fails too)

;extension=php_exif.dll <<< fails
;extension=php_ldap.dll <<< fails (The file really isnt there so it's not a
real problem)
;extension=php_openssl.dll <<< fails

All of these will load... Soooo I'm stuck there, i need help, tell me if you
need to know anything else. i'll be glad to give you info, i want to set
this up to further my PHP developement at home. We intensively use PHP4 at
work but i wanted to start working on PHP5 to see how good it is.

Till then
See ya'll

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