On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 12:31, Brian Dunning wrote:
> > <?
> >   $string = 'one<br>two<br>three<br>four<br>five';
> >   $nthPos = 4;
> >   $tmpArr = explode( '<br>', $string );
> >   $nthString = $tmpArr[($nthPos - 1)];
> > ?>
> Thanks Chris, that works great, but it's not doing what I want. I'm 
> just trying to get the position of the 3rd occurrence (for example) of 
> '<br>'. So I'm looking for a function that will return the value 19, 
> given the above example string.

The following should get you going:

function strpos_nth( $hay, $needle, $n=1 )
    $offset = -1;

    if( $n < 1 )
        return false;

    while( $n-- > 0 )
        if( ($offset = strpos( $hay, $needle, $offset + 1 )) === false )
            return false;

    return $offset;

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