Cheers, that works great. I tried using urlencode but that doens't work like 
it should in the manual.



On Thursday 05 April 2001 14:41, you wrote:
> You have to do this:
> $myarray = rawurlencode(serialize($myarray));
> And then this on your other page:
> $myarray = unserialize(rawurldecode($myarray));
> You should consider using sessions instead.
> Jordan Elver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I pass an array between two pages. I've tried using serialize and
> unserialize. But it doen't return an array. When I use gettype() on it, it
> say's that the typ-e is boolean?
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Jord

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