this structure prints out a table with a new row for each item

<table >
While ( $results = mysql_fetch_array($pointer)) {
    print   "<tr><td ><$results[1] </td></tr>" ;

what I want to do is print out a table 4 columns wide and however many
high needed to run through the data

HOW do I loop through the array and  get <td>data</td>   printed 4 times
then a new row started and then 4 more <td> cells printed, etc

Is the data all in one row in the database?

$results = mysql_fetch_array($pointer)

print "<tr>\n;
for($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++){
        if(0 = $i%4){
                print "<td>" . $results[$i] . "</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n";
        } else {
                print "<td>" . $results[$i] . "</td>\n";
print "</tr>";
NOT TESTED and may give too many <tr> tags. You'll need to test for
total data cells returned

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