Robin Getz wrote:

Andrew Kreps wrote:

I had to add this line to my httpd.conf:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

I have this and the DirectoryIndex - the problem is that my script does not end in a .php extention. (GForge )

If I rename the file projects.php and point to that, it works, but that means an entire re-write of the existing GForge.

I guess the question is - how to make a file that does not end in .php or have any extension, be understood as a php file?


As far as I'm aware, that should work, it has for me in the past, as it has evidewntally worked for you as well.

I often use another way of doing that same sort of thing that might be a valid option for you though:

If you change the filename to end in php (projects.php, or whatever) , then Alias it to a name that doesn't end in .php you'll achieve the same effect:

Alias /projects "/full/path/to/porojects/files/projects.php"

That has worked for me, though you will still need to set AcceptPathInfo, if it isn't already.


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