Subject: [PHP] HELP...Installation of PHP on Debian Linux!
        Date: Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 11:48:17AM -0500

In reply to:Frank K

Quoting Frank K([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I am having trouble installing PHP4 on my linux machine. I downloaded to source
> and i did a ./configure then a make then a make install. That all went good.


> Now i am trying to find the file. I did a couple search commands but
> it could not find it. Can anyone help me with finding this where it
> was installed on your machine. I uncompressed it in my home directory
> /home/username 
> Thanks,
> -Frank

On debian (2.0 and above) an 'apt-get install php4' is all you have to
do.  Apt-get installs all of the dependices.

dpkg -S  gives
php4: /usr/lib/apache/1.3/

no need to bother with getting the source, etc, on Debian.  It's not
like Slackware!

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