At 4:50 PM +0200 4/12/01, Dominick Vansevenant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>did you put in a reset?

Yes, you'll need the reset() there if you're looping through the 
$HTTP_POST_VARS array more than once. However:

I take it that you were trying something like

        echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[0];

? If so, you will indeed get the output 'array' if element 0 is an 
array. As someone suggested, you can use the print_r() or var_dump() 
functions (print_r, I think, is PHP4 only) to display it. You can 
also do something like


    if (is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS[0])) {

       while (list($k,$v)=each($HTTP_POST_VARS[0])) {
          echo '$HTTP_POST_VARS[0]', "[$k] = $v<br>";

    } else {

       echo '$HTTP_POST_VARS[0] = ', $HTTP_POST_VARS[0];



In PHP3, POST/GET elements could only be one dimensional arrays, at 
most. In PHP4, though, these can have 2+ dimensions, so for maximum 
generality you'd have to have somewhat more complex code than this.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mat Marlow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: donderdag 12 april 2001 16:49
>Hi all,
>I'm having trouble retrieving data from $HTTP_POST_VARS. Whenever I try to
>print something from it using print($HTTP_POST_VARS[0]); it just prints
>"Array". And I know it works because I've done it once and can't do it
>Am I missing something glaringly obvious?
>Thanks for the help,
>PS. track_vars is ON!

+----------- 12 April 2001: Forty years of manned spaceflight -----------+
| Steve Edberg                           University of California, Davis |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               Computer Consultant |
|         |
+-------------------------- --------------------------+

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