We have a few apps which were written in ASP (VBScript) that we needed
to port to PHP.  For a few pages I went through and converted everything

<%if a = 10 then%>
<? If (a == 10)?>
line by line..

After finishing a page or two like that I realized that was not the best
way.  The problem with using a converter or porting straight over was
that you are not able to leverage a lot of the PHP specific
functionality that ASP might not have had.  The other problem is there
are a lot of times where the best way to do something in ASP is not the
best way to do it in PHP.  I would recommend taking a look at the pages
and seeing if you can rewrite it in PHP, take all the logic and all the
presentation code from the previous pages, but put new PHP code to that
instead of trying to port.  Porting is possible, but trust me you'll rip
your hair out in the process.  

We use PHP with SQL Server and it works great, there are many features
missing in MySQL that we consider essential with SQL Server.  Not to get
into DB holy wars but are you trying to switch them to MySQL just
because it's open source, or is there another driving factor for the
switch (i.e. mysql does something sql server doesn't?).  Now that I've
said that, we also use PostgreSQL and that can do nearly everything SQL
Server except it's missing an awesome GUI front end like Enterprise
Manager.  People knock SQL Server for being a Microsoft product, but I
have yet to see a DB app that works as well as Enterprise Manager.  Even
tools for Oracle pale in comparison.

Nate Tobik
(412)661-5700 x206

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