Jeroen Geusebroek wrote:
> For this application i'm using a MSSQL database. There is an ini
> setting (mssql.timeout) which should do what i want but afiak doesn't
> work. It defaults to 60 which i assume are seconds.
> My app has had times that it was waiting way longer then that before
> it died without any error message. (6 hours and more).

What platform/driver?  If Linux, are you using FreeTDS and if so what version?  
looks like the timeout is handled in the TDS library, not at the PHP level.  I 
some poking through the FreeTDS mailing list archives and it seems that PHP 
dbsettime() which was unimplemented in FreeTDS in earlier versions, so you may 
a bleeding edge version of FreeTDS to use it.  If you are using FreeTDS you may 
to ask for help on the their mailing list.

If you're using Windows with the SQL Client Tools DLL then I'm not sure why the
queries aren't timing out...

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