On 9/22/05, Michael Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What platform/driver?  If Linux, are you using FreeTDS and if so what 
> version?  It
> looks like the timeout is handled in the TDS library, not at the PHP level.  
> I did
> some poking through the FreeTDS mailing list archives and it seems that PHP 
> calls
> dbsettime() which was unimplemented in FreeTDS in earlier versions, so you 
> may need
> a bleeding edge version of FreeTDS to use it.  If you are using FreeTDS you 
> may want
> to ask for help on the their mailing list.
> If you're using Windows with the SQL Client Tools DLL then I'm not sure why 
> the
> queries aren't timing out...

I'm using PHP 5.03 (cli) on linux with freetds-0.63. Just before your
last email i checked
the freetds.conf and i found a timeout option. But unfortunatly that
didn't help either.

It's quite easy to reproduce. Just create a idiotic long query and see
what happens ;)
I have the limit now at 10 (which i presume are seconds)

But thanks for the tip, i'll have a look at the beedling edge versions
of freetds.



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