bruce wrote:
how can i create a mysql sql statement to insert a php 'time()' into mysql?

i've got the mysql var 't1, timestamp' but i can't figure out how to do an

$q = time();
$sql = sprintf("insert into foo (id, ctime) values(%d, %???), $id, $q);

can't figure out how to get this to work...

if i create a sql statement and run it directly within mysql,

-->insert into foo (id, ctime) values(2, NOW());

this works.. but i can't figure out how to create the sql using the php
time() function and getting the insert from the php app...

so what's the basic part i'm missing??!!


$sql = "INSERT INTO db.table ( id, ctime ) VALUES ( " . $id . ", " . time() . " )";

John C. Nichel

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