Hello, Marcus.

Marcus Bointon wrote:
On 30 Oct 2005, at 15:35, Gustavo Narea wrote:

I think that trim($matches[0]) will return the whole string with no change.
No, it will return the entire matching pattern, not just the sub- matches. I added the trim to remove any leading space, and there will nearly always be a trailing space because of the part of my pattern that defines a word will include it. It was simpler to use trim than to make the pattern skip it. Did you actually try it?
No. I said that I was not that sure about this because I have not used preg_* functions yet.

On the other hand, I think we have to place a caret after the first slash.
Only if you insist that your string must start with a word - putting a ^ at the start would make it omit the first word if there was a space in front if it.
I think It is OK what I said about the caret, but what we need to change is the position of \W*:
   Your suggestion: /(\b\w+\b\W*){1,$MaxWords}/
   My suggestion: /^(\W*\b\w+\b){1,$MaxWords}/

We need the *first* ($MaxWords)th words.

Instead of preg_match(), I had to type preg_replace():
err. I think you missed the point here. You don't need all that messy substr stuff at all. The preg_match already did it.

Sorry, you are right. Maybe I thought I was talking about the former script I suggested...

What do you think if we use the script you suggested, but we change the regex to what I said above? It will look like:

$MyOriginalString = "This is my original string.\nWhat do you think about this script?";
$MaxWords = 6; // How many words are needed?
$matches = array();
if (preg_match("/^(\W*\b\w+\b){1,$MaxWords}/", $MyOriginalString, $matches)) {
    $result = trim($matches[0]);
    echo $result;

Best regards,

Gustavo Narea.

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