Richard Leclair wrote:
Hi PHP-ers,

Here's an easy one:
Q: How can I make a function available from within another php script?

Eg. B.php contains:

<?php include ".../fns.php" ?>

Which has a function fn($x);

Later on, I want to include this function in B.php somewhere.

In short:  B.php wants to use fn($x) found in A.php.

Richie !

I'm not quite sure if I did get your question right, but you answered the question yourself.

include("anyfile.php"); does nothing more then "copy" the code of anyfile.php to the file, in which it is called. anyfile.php is interpreted as HTML, so you should have your <?php brackets around the document.

function foo($bar) {
        //do sth


$x = "anything you like";
$whatever = foo($x);

this works if A and B are in exactly the same directory, otherwise you should change the path for the include call.

Did I get your question right?

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