Hi Chris,
 I would think that there has to be something out there like a Javascript
that would accomplish that... that would be my first guess anyhow... there
possibly could be something done in flash that would act as a drop area for
the file... let us know what you find

 On 11/18/05, Micah Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No. That would be nice though eh?
> What I have done in the past is when a user needs to upload a file, I give
> them a linked button that links to a ftp:// style address. This ftp
> account
> points to a directory that PHP can have access to.
> The user then drags and drops (IE only) the files on this new window,
> which
> uploads the files to this directory.
> Once they're done, they close the window, and hit a second button 'Click
> here
> when finished uploading' which tells php to grab all the files in the
> upload
> directory and put them where they need to go.
> This is far from ideal, causes miserable problems when more than one
> person is
> using the technique at once, and offers a host of security and usability
> issues. Oh, and it's IE only, Firefox can't do this, and I don't think
> opera/safari can either.
> However, it's much better than uploading a ton of files individually using
> a
> form. I only use this for applications where I can be sure that only one
> user
> will use it at once, and they're trusted.
> In a pinch it works though. I don't care so much about drag and drop, I
> was
> just trying to solve the multi-file upload issue. I wish there was a
> better
> way.
> If I'm stupid and there is, I'd love to hear about it.
> -Micah
> On Friday 18 November 2005 5:42 pm, Chris Payne wrote:
> > HI there everyone,
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a file upload system where you select via requester the file to
> > upload, it then uploads it with PHP and stores the info in a MySQL
> > database. Is there an interface / programming method I can use which I
> can
> > DRAG a file from the desktop into an area in a form just as if I had
> used a
> > file requester to select a file? Learning a new programming technique is
> > no problem as long as it can be used with PHP and MYSQL.
> >
> >
> >
> > Any helps / pointers would be REALLY welcome.
> >
> >
> >
> > Chris
> --
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Joe Harman
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and
leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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