xkorakidis wrote:
Webmaster, thanks very much but I think it would be safer to do that by
post, not by get. Furthermore, if I use indivudual files

It is a fallacy to ever tell someone that POST is safer than GET. They both transmit data in plaintext and it should not be assumed that either is inherently safer than the other, as this simply gives others a false sense of security.

The difference between POST and GET lies in the semantics -- POST represents something changing on the server, e.g. updating a database field, and allows the browser to warn the user if they try to refresh. GET represents nothing of importance changing on the server, e.g. performing a search on the database, and can safely be repeated.

SSL/TLS is the best option if you wish to transmit sensitive data.

Jasper Bryant-Greene
General Manager
Album Limited

+64 21 708 334

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