"Stephen Martindale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I am having great difficulty understanding dates and times with PHP and 
> As far as I understand them, the PHP date and time construct is timezone 
> and DST aware, but MySql's DATETIME and TIMESTAMP fields are not. I 
> believe that this is where my confusion originates from.
> After searching the web and the docs for hours, I have not managed to find 
> an article that explains how this system works and what the best practices 
> are for an application that may be used in many timezones, some with DST 
> and some without.
> Please point me in the direction of a good source on this subject. I am 
> new to PHP, coming from a several-year-long period of C++ and, recently, 
> ASP.NET. (Ok, I admit it, I only started using PHP a week ago!)

I wrote a time class in PHP, and use it to manage all my dates and times. 
Basically, I use an INT to store the timestamp in the database, which is a 
simple timestamp (see PHP functions: time(), date(), strtotime(), mktime(), 
, strftime()).


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