On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 23:11, Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Mon, April 10, 2006 9:59 pm, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> > Richard Lynch wrote:
> >> It would be REALLY NIFTY if fopen and friends which understand all
> >> those protocols of HTTP FTP HTTPS and so on, allowed one to set a
> >> timeout for URLs, but they don't and nobody with the skills to
> >> change
> >> that (not me) seems even mildly interested. :-( :-( :-(
> >
> > Because it is already there and has been since Sept.23 2002 when it
> > was
> > added.
> I've added a Note to 'fopen' so maybe others won't completely miss
> this feature and look as foolish as I do right now. :-)

If it's anything like the helpful note I added about using copy( source,
dest ) where dest accidentally points to source (due to linking), you'll
get a nice retarded email like the following:


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Your note has been removed from the online manual.

----- Copy of your note below -----

User tip... it can be completely befuddling if you don't realize your
source and destination files are the same (this can happen with
directory links). When this happens there are a couple of
possibilities... at first I was using php 4.4.0 and the files just
became 0 length. The second, outcome after I upgraded to 4.4.2 (since I
didn't realize the problem) was that the copy function returned a
failure. This was tricky to track since there's no error output
indicating why the copy failed :)

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