Miles Thompson wrote:

> At 03:35 PM 5/4/2006, John Nichel wrote:
>>Nicolas Verhaeghe wrote:
>>>I am currently looking for a good PHP editor for Windows. I know, the
>>>question must have been asked so many times, but I thought I could ask it
>>>again now that a few editors have evolved, others have appeared.
>>It has been asked, and usually starts a flame war.
> And after scratching the bald spot a bit, enlightenment. No, that's not
> the name of an editor, but
> Search The Fine Archives - because yes, this has been done to death.
> Miles

It actually (enlightenment) seems to be a window manager.

This has been today's bit of useless information, brought to you by the
numbers 0xffcd and 0xa83e and the letter omega :-)

David Robley

"I hate pies with crumb bases," said Tom crustily.
Today is Setting Orange, the 52nd day of Discord in the YOLD 3172. 

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