Am 2006-05-11 13:40:34, schrieb tedd:

> Plus, moving images from one system to another 
> was much easier because you just moved the dB and 
> you don't have to worry about the file system and 
> breaking links.

This can be done from a script to...

> In addition, if you are using multiple hosts, who 
> require the same images, then using mySQL is far 
> superior than trying to keep all the images in 
> different file systems synchronized.

This can be donw from filesystem too


> Furthermore, according to Paul DuBois (author of 
> MySQL Cookbook, great book btw) who says "If you 
> store images on the file system, directory 
> look-up my become slow" in his comparing file 
> system to mySQL for image storage.


It depends, how many pics you have. But if you install a dedicated
Server for the pics with, e.g. 1 GByte of memory and apache 1.3.
It is fast as the heaven...  My Linux-Box hold all pics in memory.

> Granted, if you use mySQL for storing images, 
> then you bloat the tables and approach your 
> system limits faster than using a file system. 
> But for a limited amount of images, there isn't 
> any real problems.

Hmmm, My PostgreSQL is around 370 Gbyte now and if
I import all Pics, it would be around 1,8 TByte...

Good night...

> And for goodness sake NO, Google is NOT always 
> right -- it's only a collection of everyone's 
> view. When did Google replace valid research? I 
> can see tomorrow's mother's saying to their 
> children "If Google jumped off a bridge, would 
> you do it?"

Yes, because I like Bungee-Jumping...
(Paraglideing too)


    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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