> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 25 May 2006 22:19
> To: tedd
> Cc: Eric Butera; php
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Filtering (was storing single and double quote in
> MySQL)
> As you said: Filtering. My next queston.
> I have small form to activate/deactivate member's account.
> <form method=post action=members.php>
> <input type=hidden name=username value=<?= $Usename ?>
> <input type=hidden name=status value=<?= $Status ?>
> <input type=image name=action value=change src=images/status_live.gif
> border=0>
> </form>
> and once adminisrtrator clicks on button:
> if(isset($_POST['action']))
> {
>   $Username = $_POST['Username'];
>   $action = '';
>   switch($action)
>   {
>     case 'change':
>       mysql_query("UPDATE members SET status='live' WHERE Username =
> '".$Username."'");
>     break;
>     case 'edit':
>       //  ...
>    break;
>   }
> }
> Do I have to filter $Username with mysql_real_escape_string() function
> even if $Username will not be stored in DB and I use it in WHERE part?
> If no - how to filter it?
> Thanks
> -afan

Always sanitise data provided externally; whether it's from the user
directly (e.g. a POST form or a URL query string (GET)) or from the browser
(e.g. cookie data)... always assume it can never be trusted (there are some
nasty people out there)

In this case using mysql_real_escape_string() on the supplied username
should be enough for most injection attacks (
http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=sql+injection&meta= ), but to be more
sure try this (if your username is alphanumeric only with spaces):

  $Username = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '', $_POST['Username']);
  $action = '';
    case 'change':
      if (!empty($Username)) mysql_query("UPDATE members SET status='live'
WHERE Username = '".$Username."'");
    case 'edit':
      //  ...

I think that's right :)


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