Also, I need to re-order the elements in a custom manner, not simply
alphabetical or reverse alphabetical or some logical way like that,
more like how the original form is presented, by related fields. More
specifically, the form is for a membership system, the system collects
typical demographic information like home street address, home zip
code, business street address, business zip code. So the form presents
related fields together: business with business fields and home with
home fields (in columns). The problem is the POST method writes these
response into the $_POST array in a certain order: not top-to-bottom,
then left-to-right as a person would read the form, but left-to right,
then top-to-bottom. The simple solution would be to reorder the form
checkboxes so that they matched the desired output order of the text
file, but then the user is presented with a disorganized, illogical
form. I could eliminate the table and just list all the checkboxes in
one big list, but again that makes for an ugly, user-unfriendly form.
I could perhaps use some divs to make columns and float them, I'm not
sure how the $_POST method would order the responses in the $_POST

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