Is strange that there is not a really good solution for this problem, i think its not very strange. Maybe i ll request this feature, I think is interesting, useful and not so hard to add.

Anyway, I cannot use "ob_ " functions, i ll have problems with some functions.

So, the solution seems to extend "_" function, that provides me the posibility to report "strings" not found.

The bad think is that I ll have to make thousands of modifications in order to implement this feature in the webpage :(

Thanks to everybody!

Richard Lynch wrote:

On Tue, June 13, 2006 6:30 am, Ruben Rubio Rey wrote:
I am using gettext to get a web page in several languages.

When gettext does not found an string, it shows the string.

Is it possible to detect when a string is not found, in order to advis
me ?

My experience, if you call it that, with gettext consists of reading
the manual and saying "Neat!", so take this with a HUGE grain of

One option that MIGHT work would be:

function ___ ($string) {
 //check for existince of the language file/string by hand :-(

Another option, perhaps, would be to have your "default" language be
something really... weird, and then the output itself would be icky...

I suppose you could do something hacky like:

__'GETTEXT_START_MARKER This is the actual message GETTEXT_END_MARKER';
All code/html here.
$output = ob_get_contents();
$output, $gettexts);
foreach($gettexts[1] as $unknown){
$output = str_replace(array('GETTEXT_START_MARKER ', '
GETTEXT_END_MARKER'), '', $output);
echo $output;


Maybe a Feature Request at GetText and/or would be in

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