Can you send an example of the broken HTML?  What are the symptoms of 
the html being broken.  Finally, in what way are you using AJAX.  This 
looks like html output - so is it really AJAH?

My first guess is that something about the context at the browser end 
makes <td></td> - an empty table element - cause trouble.




This is really odd. I wrote the $html variable that I send back to the
browser via AJAX, and that code is like this when I pushed it into a
temporary database table:

<table><p style='float: right;'>
<a href='javascript:teamToDoHideInfoBox(1, 6);''>Close</a></p>
<tr><th>Assigned to</th><td></td></tr>
<tr><th>Created by</th><td>Peter Lauri(Farang)</td></tr>
<tr><th>Due date</th><td></td></tr>
<tr><th>Start date</th><td></td></tr>
<tr><th>Creation date</th><td>Sun, 03 Sep 2006 23:09:44 +0700</td></tr>

However, if I just use that output all is shown until the empty <td></td>

Then I tried to check what is actually captured by the browser, and it was
showing only until the <td> and then nothing more.

So this should maybe be posted to the JavaScript list :)

I have temporary solved by NOT allowing empty strings into those fields, but
the description should be able to be empty :)


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