On Thu, September 28, 2006 3:15 pm, Martin Marques wrote:
> I'm trying helplessly to get session.use_trans_sid to true in one
> directory that needs it. So I put this in an .htaccess file:
> php_value session.use_trans_sid 1

If both Cookies and trans_sid are "on" and if your browser accepts
cookies, you won't see the SID in the URL, I don't think...

So are you SURE it's not on, or you just think it's not?

What does <?php phpinfo();?> say in that directory for Master/Local
values of trans_sid (Local == in that dir)

If that's not it, then you need to be sure .htaccess is enabled in
httpd.conf (performance penalty -- be sure you understand this on
high-volume server)

There are probably more esoteric things that can go wrong, but that's
all I can think of right now.

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