10 okt 2006 kl. 19.25 skrev Roman Neuhauser:

# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2006-10-09 22:01:34 +0200:
Thank you Ilaria and Roman for your input. I did not know that preg
is able to deal with PCRE patterns.

    "preg" is obviously short for "Perl REGular expressions", while
    PCRE positively means Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions.
    The regexp syntax from Perl is a superset of POSIX "extended"
    regexps, so anything ereg_ function accept will be good for
    preg_ as well (but beware of pattern delimiters).

Thanks for the info. I didn't know that.

As a matter of fact I came up
with the following solution (if someone is interested):

    What problem does it solve? I mean, why are you trying to avoid
    preg_replace_callback() in the first place?

Maybe because I didn't know better? Initially, I was using ereg_replace for replacing metric numbers with imperial ones. But obviously, ereg_replace replaces all instances in the given text string. A text containing more than one instance of the same unit, was replaced by the calculated replacement string of the first finding. So I had to think about other ways to do this - which brought me to preg_replace_callback (as I already said - I didn't know that preg takes POSIX patterns as well).

Would you suggest a different way? Would it be faster to do the replacement with preg_replace_callback compared to the function I wrote?

A page like this one: http://www.nikehydraulics.com/products/ product_chooser_gb.php?productMaingroup=5&productSubgroup=33

.. gets converted within 0.32 / 0.34 seconds which I think is quite ok.


the function takes a text and an array with converters like:

$converters[] = array ( "metric" => "mm", "imperial" => "in",
"ratio"  => 0.039370079, "round" => 1 );
$converters[] = array ( "metric" => "m", "imperial" => "ft", "ratio"
=> 3.280839895, "round" => 1 );

function convertTextString ( $text, $convertTable )
        # this function takes a text string, searches for numbers to
convert, convert those numbers and returns
        # the complete text again.

        if ( !ereg ( "[[:digit:]]", $text ) ) // if the text does not
contain any numbers, return the text as it is
                return $text;
        foreach ( $convertTable as $convertKey => $convertUnit )
                $pattern =
"((\d{1,10}[,|.]*\d{0,10})*(\s)(%s)([$|\s|.|,|\)|/]+| $))"; // this regex looks for a number followed by white space, followed by the metric unit,
followed by a closing character like  ".", "," or ")"
                $pattern = sprintf ( $pattern, $convertUnit['metric'] );
                while ( preg_match ( $pattern, $text, $matches ) )
                        $matches[1] = str_replace ( ",", ".", $matches[1] );
// in case numbers are written like "6,6 m", we need to replace "," with
                        // because we do not want to return 0, we have to
                        make shure that  the new value is not zero.
                        $itterator = 0;
                        do {
                                $value = round ( ( $matches[1] *
                                $convertUnit['ratio'] ),  $convertUnit['round'] 
+ $itterator  );
                        } while ( $value == 0 || $itterator == 10 );
                        $replacement = $value . "$2" .
                        $convertUnit['imperial'] . "$4";
                        $text = preg_replace ( $pattern, $replacement,
                        $text, 1 );
        return $text;

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