Go check the archives - marc.theaimsgroup.com has a link to them, and I
think there's a
link at php.net.  We've also got a link to them at
http://phphelpdesk.com/search/ (frames

You'll find numerous arguments on both sides in the archives.  More than
probably get in a response to your post.  You're asking a PHP list, so
expect bias
in the replies and posts you read (much as you'd expect bias asking a
newsgroup which was better).

Our personal answer -

PHP is better.

PHP is
* fast - 'nuff said
* inherently powerful as a language - good array handling, memory
many functions, etc.
* easy to learn - annotated manual with real-world user feedback/input
* cross platform - write once, run many places
* free - 'nuff said
* open - relatively easy for people to write extensions for it (C people,

ASP/VBScript is
* not that fast
* inherently less powerful than PHP
* not terribly intuitive unless you've grown up with VB
* tied to one platform (NT on x86 architecture)
* 'free' only with purchase of a Windows license
* closed - writing COM objects can only be so useful, because the authors
don't have acecss to the underlying code to see what's going on exactly.

Market share is tough to define.  I think PHP probably has a broader
installed base,
because it's 'on' with so many linux distros now.  ASP, as a whole, probably
may have a slight edge in terms of being used in real life day to day

Don't base a decision to use it on market share.  Microsoft certainly didn't
do that -
PHP was around before MS even had a webserver.  If they'd said 'well, Perl
and PHP
already exist, I guess we should use those because they have bigger market
than we have in that market', they wouldn't have started.  Same with CF and
What exists and who has larger marketshare won't be good reasons to fall
back on if a project fails ("well, everyone else is using it!") or you can'
debug something at
three in the morning.  Web application development still tends to end up
a rather solitary (or isolated) job at the end of the day, and you need to
something you feel comfortable with short term and long term.

YoBro wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to find out what PHP stands for.
> Also what is better,
> ASP or PHP and who has the biggest market share.
> Any help would be really great.
> Thanks,
> Chris

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