
I need PHP's IMAP extension for my web app but it is really slowing my 
server up.

My setup: Fedora Core 5, Apache 2.2.2, PHP 5.1.4 (run as CGI with suPHP), 
PHP IMAP extension - all standard FC5 RPMs. The test page is simple - just a 
call to phpinfo().

Without the IMAP extension, the response time is almost immediate. With the 
IMAP extension it takes 2-3 seconds to respond - sometimes as much as 4 

Watching with 'top', I can see php-cgi is called immediately when the 
request is received. With the IMAP extension installed, after php-cgi 
starts, it then drops to the end of the 'top' list, consuming 0% CPU and 
2.0% memory. It remains there for the 2-3 second delay before coming into 
play again an running the script quickly. Without the IMAP extension, it 
just ends quickly having finished the request.

>From this, it is clear to me there is some major delay being introduced by 
the loading of the IMAP extension. Any ideas on how to resolve this?


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