Chris schrieb:
That part is correct.

You shouldn't need to use addslashes - use mysql_real_escape_string or mysql_escape_string depending on your (current) php version - they are both "locale aware" and will escape things for you depending on mysql server (re: language setup).

Then just use htmlentities to display on the frontend rather than using stripslashes.

Of course other db's have similar functions, check the manual.

--> Sorry I sent you this email to your personal account, Chris.


Just a question out of pure curiosity. Why would one prefer using mysql_real_escape_string (I'm using 5.1.6 so mysql_escape_string is deprecated). and htmlentities instead of addslashes and stripslashes?

I'm going to guess the main reason is to stop SQL injections? But wouldn't add- and stripslashes do the same?

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