Its a different problem to explain Let me show you part o the contents from

| cluster | galaxy | planet | planet_name            | ruler         | size
| score  | rank   |
|       1 |      1 |      1 | Stomp                  | Pomp          |    9
|  46175 |  97055 |
|       1 |      1 |      2 | The Burping World      | Burp          |   28
| 125263 |  42971 |
|       1 |      1 |      3 | xion                   | KLS           |   31
|  97106 |  59469 |
|       1 |      1 |      4 | madlosers              | madloser      |   55
| 104154 |  55094 |
|       1 |      1 |      5 | Troy                   | Lanfeust      |   10
|  25311 | 115558 |
|       1 |      1 |      6 | Infinte Space          | The Watcher   |   52
| 131190 |  39903 |
|       1 |      1 |      7 | Kjempefæl planet       | EkvALiser     |   23
|  83264 |  68716 |
|       1 |      1 |      8 | Edinazu                | Jaypallas     |   30
| 129877 |  40601 |
|       1 |      1 |      9 | Gracen and Gracen inc. | Jim Profit    |   33
|  74665 |  74957 |
|       1 |      1 |     10 | Hades                  | DarkkAngel    |   39
| 109799 |  51718 |
|       1 |      1 |     11 | ziggy                  | zigzac        |   28
|  86054 |  66746 |
|       1 |      1 |     12 | Promt  L- pop          | Kaaleb        |   55
| 156840 |  28239 |
|       1 |      1 |     13 | Wicka                  | Wreck         |   11
|  52938 |  91364 |
|       1 |      1 |     14 | Karak Azhul            | Morglum       |   45
| 155288 |  28907 |
|       1 |      1 |     15 | your fate              | decider       |   44
| 153838 |  29491 |
|       1 |      1 |     16 | Poison                 | BlackWidow    |   10
|  48655 |  94916 |
|       1 |      1 |     17 | Veilside               | Sik Silvia    |   21
|  83891 |  68266 |
|       1 |      1 |     18 | Sontis                 | Bobshi        |   45
| 112186 |  50353 |
|       1 |      1 |     19 | Midkemia               | Milamber      |   40
| 130165 |  40444 |
|       1 |      1 |     20 | Fortezza               | Saratoga      |   39
| 114699 |  48883 |
|       1 |      1 |     21 | blackdeath             | ~~blackwing~~ |   33
| 107266 |  53248 |
|       1 |      1 |     22 | Lightforge             | Darkangel     |   36
|  95566 |  60445 |
|       1 |      1 |     23 | Knor's Planet          | Knor          |   54
| 181835 |  19500 |
|       1 |      1 |     24 | Popelplanet            | Earthbrain    |    1
|   9008 | 133733 |
|       1 |      1 |     25 | Infected Earth         | TeRRoR        |   75
| 187138 |  17817 |

cluster, galaxy and planet are coordinates. The code I posted loops through
the universe and adds up size and score for each galaxy. There are 742
clusters each with 25 galaxies and each galaxy has 25 planets. I average the
cluster and galaxy sum the score and size then insert the results into a new
table. The script goes on to the next cluster galaxy and does the same
thing. It does this till it gets to cluster 742 galaxy 25.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gyozo Papp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] quicker query?

maybe there is another solution that should be quicker, because it uses
fewer DB query.

I don't have a clear view what you want from this query, so if you can give
me a short description about it
it would be appriciated. I think this one does the same job:

    cluster AS gcluster,
    sum(size) as gsize,
    sum(score) as gscore,
    galaxy AS ggalaxy
FROM universe
WHERE cluster BETWEEN 1 AND 200 AND galaxy BETWEEN 1 AND 26
GROUP BY cluster, galaxy;

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Roark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 2001. május 6. 05:27
Subject: [PHP] quicker query?

Is there a faster (better) way to do the following:

if ($result) {
for ($cluster=1;$cluster<200;$cluster++) {
for($galaxy=1;$galaxy<26;$galaxy++) {

$sql="insert into galaxy select avg(cluster) as gcluster,sum(size) as
gsize,sum(score) as gscore,avg(galaxy) as ggalaxy from universe where
cluster='$cluster' and galaxy='$galaxy'";



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