On Tue, December 12, 2006 9:45 am, Fernando M. M. wrote:
> I have a script called redir.php that is used only for redirecting
> using the following code:
> header('Location: ', $_GET['url']);

So, you have a one-line script do accomplish a one-line task?


> But
> now i need to redirect post varibles too. Example:
> If someone access
> redir.php?url=my_page.php and post:
> &a=1&b=2
> I need to
> send this post string (as post) to my_page.php.

If you need to re-post data from PHP, you can Google for "Rasmus
Lerdorf posttohost function" and do that, or you can use
http://php.net/curl or you can use any of a few hundred functions
similar to the one Rasmus wrote a dozen years ago, or...

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