On Tue, December 12, 2006 12:51 pm, Stut wrote:
> bruce wrote:
>> hey stut...
> Please don't reply to me directly, always include the mailing list.
>> thanks for the reply... i did get some output...
>> i also have a question as to why i couldn't get it to work when i
>> used
>> 'header (foo.php)'
> 1) The correct way to redirect using the header function is
> header('Location: http://domain.com/foo.php'); Note the absolute URL.
> 2) Using header will definitely not display any output from the page.

You actually need to put in an exit; if you want to guarantee that PHP
won't send more data, and that the browser won't process it and show
it before doing the re-direct...

*MOST* of the time the Location: header gets processed so fast, you
don't see any following data, but if you pound on it enough, you'll
see that the browser *can* show the data after the re-direct, if it
feels particularly Orange at that moment in time.

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