>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>> ...


> Jochem,
> I'm reading most of the posted questions/answers on the mailing list
> because of exact reason you mentioned. You're right. But, don't remember
> any that can help me with this issue. Though, wasn't detailed and give a
> chance to missed these. :)

murphy's law number XYZ: whatever your looking for is always in the
last place you look :-)

> In general, yes, you're right, I could/should spend a bit more time
> scanning Archive and most likely find the answer there. 

I'll freely admit to writing that 'advice' to also remind myself
to eat my own dogfood. ;-)

> Accept your
> critisizm and applogy.

it was not meant as critism - definitely no apology please!

I was just a bit surprised that you didn't catch the earlier
references to phpmailer.

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