On 1/17/07, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ramdas wrote:
> Hi Group,
> A very newbie question. Might be discussed earlier, please forgive.

Are so much of a noob that STFW is not within your capabilities?
(just thought I'd ask, given that you admit to realising the info *might*
be out there already)

> I am having a site in PHP ( not very great design ) which I need to
> convert/modify to use functions. Such the code for connecting /
> binding to Ldap is not repeated & scripts are more readable.
> The site deals with modifying / adding / deleting entries in a LDAP dir.
> In each of the pages following is done:
> <?php
> require 'validate.php' ;// validate.php checks if the user is loged in
> $connect = ldap_connect(ldapserver);
> if ($connect) {
> bind ...
> do the things....
> }else { echo erro..}
> ?>
> Also please advice what is a correct method of checking the user's
> session. Currenlty I use a "HTTP_SESSION_VARS" variable to store the

recommended to use the $_SESSION superglobal instead and stuff values
directly into (after having called session_start()) instead of using 
et al.

> user's login & passwd . Each time the user hits the page these vars

you only need to store *whether* they are logged in - and set that value when 
actually handle a login attempt (obviously storing their username could be 

I don't see any reason to store the passwd and validate against ldap on
every request ... in fact I believe that storing the pwd in such a way is 
essentially less

> are checked with the existing values in the LDAP (this is done by
> validate.php).
> Please suggest me some good starting point where I can start a fresh
> with more compact/cleaner Code.

that question is about as vague as 'how long is a chinaman?'
(the answer to that question being 'yes he is')

here are some very vague ideas/functions:

an include file ...
=========== 8< =====================
function sessionCheck()
       if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) || !$_SESSION['loggedin']) {
               /* show login page then .. */

function doLogin($username, $passwd)
       $_SESSION['loggedin'] = false;
       if (/* given $username+$passwd check outs in ldap*/)
               $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true;

       return $_SESSION['loggedin'];

an 'init' include file
=========== 8< =====================

require 'your-include-file.php'; // see above


if (isset($_POST['uname'], $_POST['pwd'])) {
       doLogin($_POST['uname'], $_POST['pwd']);



any other file (other than the login 'page')
=========== 8< =====================

require 'your-init-file.php';

// we are logged in - it's magic

// do some shit

// the end, congrats go get laid :-)


Thanx for the all responses.


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