You might use the following method, which will work under Internet Explorer.

.. etc

  " " " TD2

var which=1;

function progress_bar()
   if (which>6) clearTimeout();



-----Original Message-----
From: Reuben D Budiardja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 09 May 2001 16:24
Subject: Re: [PHP] progession bar

I remember that a somewhat similar issues was discussed here sometime ago. 
Check the list archives ( I think the subject was "Progress Bar").

Hope that will give you some ideas also.

Reuben D. B

At 12:32 PM 5/9/01 -0500, Jacky wrote:
>Hi all
>Does any one know how to do the progession bar to mesure the time out? 
>Like give it 1 minute for the bar to progress, I got some logic here but 
>something still unclear to me.
>The procedures I see are
>1. get curren time when the page is loaded
>2. add 60 seconds on that current time value to tell when to stop the bar
>3. make a table , 6 rows so each row repersent every 10 seconds
>4. This is the bit where I got stuck, how do I change the color of table 
>cell every 10 secs for 6 times.
>any help will be thankful
>"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for

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