I've been experimenting with it for a new site revision at the company I work at. I have to agree, it's feels heavy, almost bloated. Mind you, I've only used a small fraction of the framework -- namely the Zend_Db, Zend_Config and Zend_Controller portions. The lack of Javascript seems like a curious omission, but perhaps that's not the point of ZF.

I've been using CakePHP for another site, and it feels very efficient and easy to use. Javascript/AJAX helpers are all integrated too. Perhaps this is contributing to my somewhat negative view on ZF?

I still intend to try out ZF a bit more to give it a fair shot, but after using CakePHP, I'm not so sure for how long...
Aaron Gould

Greg Donald wrote:
Has anyone looked at the Zend Framework lately?


I've been playing with a few parts of it off and on the past couple of
days.  It seems really heavy overall and there is no Javascript
integration anywhere.  Nothing on the roadmap about Javascript either:


It might be worth using if it actually did something better than my
current toolset.  Right now it really doesn't.

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