Tijnema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake the following lore:
Convert image to fixed width + fixed height + default depth, then do
some work on it :P


   Yeah, what work?  Best of luck with getting a system to reliably
translate one Jell-o blob of an image into another accurately and
reliably.  It's ASCII art time!

   Say I have an image of a cigarette:

   Then, I morph the image so that it's SNAFU'd:
    / \____    \_/ @/
  /    /       \_____/
( __/

   Keeping in mind that it's ASCII art, you can still see the
similarities.  A computer, with an actual graphical image, probably
wouldn't recognize it.  It may instead see it as a snake, which could
initially look like this:

      //==\\      =o~
<==//      \\==//

   Then matched with a selection of images that the user could pick
from, the snake is morphed to:


   To be a bit easier, I whipped up a quick example on the web.  It's
just static images, not a working system, but you'll see what we're
getting at here:

Daniel P. Brown
[office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
[mobile] (570-) 766-8107

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