On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 15:19 +0100, Richard Davey wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 3:15:39 PM, you wrote:
> > It's terribly verbose and inefficient...
> > <?php
> > $filter['flags'] = 0;
> > if( $allow_fraction )
> > {
> >     $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION;
> > }
> > if( $allow_thousand )
> > {
> >     $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND;
> > }
> > if( $allow_scientific )
> > {
> >     $filter['flags'] |= FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC;
> > }
> ?>
> I don't think it's *terribly* verbose, as it has good sentence structure
> to it, but your version is certainly more efficient, hence I've
> swapped to that. Any other takers? ;)

Personally I hate constants (can't use non-scalar values so why get used
ot them... also they're just another point for name collision) so if it
were my own code I'd do something more like the following:


    $GLOBALS['filterFlags'] = array
        'allowFraction'   => 1 << 0,
        'allowThousand'   => 1 << 1,
        'allowScientific' => 1 << 2,

    // then your above code would become:

    $filter['flags'] = 0;
    foreach( $filterFlags as $name => $bits )
        if( isset( $$name ) && $$name )
            $filter['flags'] |= $bits;


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