
You can get a rough idea from

Shafiq Rehman (ZCE)
http://www.phpgurru.com | http://shafiq.pk
Cell: +92 300 423 9385

On 6/14/07, Gary Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joker7 wrote:
> For living in London you would need at the lower end 35k but why would
> want to come and live in London from Spain ? If I had the choice I know
> where I would choose.

Indeed. It might also be worth pointing out that you'd be utterly
fruitloop to consider getting a central London flat. Live further out ==
cheaper. The thing with doing PHP in Central London is that people will
do it for less. Asking anything above £35k for a PHP developer (even a
decent one) is probably likely to get you laughed at.



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