On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 13:41 +0800, Crayon Shin Chan wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 June 2007 09:35, Robert Cummings wrote:
> > Ah but it is quite possible that the OP will go ahead and try to build
> > a framework, he may fail miserably, all the while learning from his
> > mistakes. Then he may try again and subsequently build a kickass
> > framework. 
> In the pragmatic world where you're working on a project, for a living, to 
> a time schedule, then learning from other people's mistakes is less time 
> consuming than creating your own mistakes, recognise that they are 
> mistakes and then learn from them.
> Of course if you invoke your "it's only for fun" defence then pragmatism 
> wouldn't come into it and whatever you do or don't do doesn't really 
> matter.

I wouldn't call it a defence. It's a point of view.

> > Since not all paths lead to the same conclusion it is just 
> > as possible that if he doesn't go down this path that he will never
> > create a kickass framework no matter how many frameworks he studies.
> Now you're trudging into the realms of philosophy, crystal ball gazing and 
> groundless speculation.

No, it's simple probability.

> > Some of the greatest science comes from those unaware of established
> > rules and theories.
> I'm sure most people on the list aren't looking to make revolutionary 
> advances in php programming. Most are simply looking for practical 
> answers to practical questions.

And many will encounter serendipity along the way regardless of what
they are looking to achieve.

| InterJinn Application Framework - http://www.interjinn.com |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
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| such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
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