On Thursday 19 July 2007, Daniel Brown wrote:

> > I didn't want to get involved in this thread, though it was interesting
> > to read...
> > However, an idea just came into my mind: what if you, as the author,
> > could offer a download for a price which would be the same as what you
> > get after a sold paper copy? According to what you just said, it would
> > be much cheaper for the download than for a paper copy, which might
> > cause more or less of the downloaders of the pirated file to download it
> > legally and pay this smaller price to you.
> > I admit that it won't stop pirating, but it might be good for those who
> > are willing to pay to you, but either can't afford the paper copy or are
> > not willing to pay to the publishing company - and it might increase
> > your revenues a bit too.
> >
> > greets
> > Zoltán Németh
> >
> > > David Powers

>     The problem with that, though, is that a lot of publishers require
> exclusivity, so an author is bound (no pun intended) by contract not
> to publish elsewhere - including on their own website.
> --
> Daniel P. Brown

That is, however, a very common argument in favor of online distribution.  It 
cuts out the middle-men, reduces costs, saves trees, and increases the 
revenue per unit for the original author/artist.  Of course, the copyright 
cartels (which includes most book publishers) object to that because they're 
the middle-men being cut out, and that's how you get exclusivity contracts, 
DRM, and similar anti-artist and anti-consumer bad things.  

Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

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