John A DAVIS wrote:
So, what is the easiest way to get and install an SSL certificate?

 >>> "Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/27/2007 1:46 PM >>>
On Fri, July 27, 2007 3:21 pm, John A DAVIS wrote:
 > We have various labs that submit coliform sample results in an ASCII
 > file, quoted/comma delimited.
 > We are being asked to encrypt this file for internet transfer. We are
 > also being asked to create a secure process by which to transfer this
 > file across the interent.
 > Currently:
 > the lab pushes and button and generates the ASCII file (12 columns)
 > the lab logs in to a PHP webpage and uses the file upload input to
 > submit the file.
 > If data is valid, file is saved on our server in a folder where we can
 > pull it into the respective tables.
 > Be nice to have some insights on how to encrypt this file at the
 > source and how to transfer the file securely. We keep hearing the
 > words, "digital signature".

If the concern is about during the TRANSFER of the data, SSL should be
enough to satisfy virtually any requirement.

The data is encrypted during the transfer.

Where they get "digital signature" from, I dunno...

Encrypting it at the source and decrypting it at the destination
before you transfer it encrypted via SSL is kinda pointless...

Unless there is an untrusted individual handling it somewhere between
Lab and upload, or between your receipt and stuffing it into your

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

You can use the Snake Oil cert that comes with Apache (assuming that you are 
using apache).

and just tell them to accept the warning for the SSL cert.

Or you can go to Verisign, Tucows, etc...  other SSL cert providers and 
purchase a CERT.

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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