Tijnema wrote:
On 8/12/07, Alain Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm still working on importing CSV file content (20.000 records) to database

when i run the query, once i stored into my table  5218 records, another
time 5231 another time 4713 and so on....
every time the amount of records imported to DB is different.

Do you have any idea from where it could come ?

Here is my PHP code :

thanks a lot for any help.


Might it be that your script times out?
try setting the time limit to unlimited:

Apache (or w/e your server is) might still timeout, but these values
are a lot higher.. :)

And if that is the case I would strongly recommend that you turn display_errors on and set error_reporting to E_ALL, at least for that script or if this is a development server do it in php.ini.



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