
what he sees is a warning emitted by PHP, his redirect is done using JavaScript (which is clientside and has no, 0.0 effect on what PHP emits). Now, I'm not going to go into how redirecting that way won't work (or at least shouldn't), but a hint would be to do it properly using header('Location: [...]') instead.

- Tul

Sanjeev N wrote:
Its not the problem of cookies. Its problem of redirection or the
parent.location.replace function. I mean if you already output something on
the page and tries to redirect then this problem happens.

Redirect before outputting anything on the page.. like space is also an

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-----Original Message-----
From: Otto Wyss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 2:56 PM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP] Cookies and sent headers

If built a simple login page and store any information within $_SESSION's. Yet I'd like to move these into cookies but I always get an error about sent headers. Is there a way to circumvent this problem without changing too much in the page?

The setting of the cookies happens just at the end of the page.

   if (!$errortext and $Anmelden) {
     if (!empty($Permanent)) {
       $expires = time()+ 365 * 86400;  // 365 days
       setcookie ("l.Lastname", $_SESSION['l_Lastname'], $expires);
       setcookie ("l.Firstname", $_SESSION['l_Firstname'], $expires);
       setcookie ("l.Email1", $_SESSION['l_Email1'], $expires);
       setcookie ("l.Email2", $_SESSION['l_Email2'], $expires);
     echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">

O. Wyss

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