what are the changes that supposedly make php5 faster than php4?

when java went from the 1.4 series to the 5 series it became much faster.
this is because of enhancements to the jitter mechanism for sure.  i dont
know what else they changed, but i know that had a great impact on the

php5 passes objects around by reference automatically, whereas in php4
if you do not specifically assign references using the
construct a copy will be created.  i suspect if your test included a
where the =& mechanism was not used in php4, it would not be as fast as
the php5 counterpart, simply because more memory would be consumed.
indeed i suspect there is plenty of php4 code where people have forgotten
to assign object references using =&.


On 8/24/07, Steve Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Recently, I've been doing a lot of benchmarking with Apache to compare
> different OSes and platforms. I did a stock install of Ubuntu 7.04
> Server w/ Apache2 and PHP5. To do the test, I used ab to fetch the
> following document:
> <html>
> <head>
>   <title>PHP Web Server Test</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <?php phpinfo(); ?>
> </body>
> </html>
> I ran ab in a loop 12 times with 10,000 connections and a concurrency
> of 10. Then I threw out the highest result and the lowest result and
> averaged the remaining values.   Both PHP4 (v 4.4.7) and PHP5 (v
> 5.2.3) were built as Apache modules, and I simply changed Apache's
> config file to swap modules.
> The results were somewhat surprising to me: on average, PHP4
> significantly outperformed PHP5. Over our LAN PHP5 handled roughly
> 1,200 requests / sec while PHP4 handled over 1,800 requests / sec.
> Since everything I have heard/read is that PHP5 is much faster than
> PHP4, I expected the opposite to be true, but the numbers are what
> they are.  Also PHP on Apache1 was much faster than on Apache2.
> The only difference I can figure is that PHP5 was the packaged version
> that comes with Ubuntu and I had to compile PHP4 from source since
> there is no package for it in Feisty. But I wouldn't expect a 50%
> increase as a result of that.  Any thoughts on this?
> --
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