On Mon, August 20, 2007 8:54 am, Maarten Balliauw wrote:
> Here's the thing: I'm trying to do some dynamic code compilation
> within
> PHP using eval(). The code I'm trying to compile raises an E_ERROR
> (Fatal).
> Here's a simple example:
> <?php
> $code = '  $returnValue = 12*A+;  '; // Clearly incorrect code :-)
> $returnValue = 0;
> eval($code);
> ?>
> Now, I'd like to catch the error made by eval:
> // ...
> try {
>    eval($code);
> } catch (Exception $ex) {
>    var_dump($ex);
> }
> // ...
> Problem persists: a fatal error occurs.
> Using set_error_handler() and set_exception_handler() is not working
> either...
> Is there any way to gracefully catch this error?

I would expect that you need to wrap the try catch block *IN* the code
to be eval'd...

You sound like you know what you're doing, but I'm still gonna say it:

If eval is the solution, you probably didn't understand the problem. :-)

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