On 11/1/07, C.R.Vegelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Q: Is it possible to transfer a query result to another script ?
> For example with (fragments of) the following 2 scripts:
> Engine.php
> ----------------
> $result = mysqli_query($connect, $myquery);
> if (!$result) error ...
> if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) error ...
> $_SESSION['result'] = $result;
> header("Location: Report.php");
> Report.php
> ----------------
> $result = $_SESSION['result'];
> while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) ...
> This last line gives "Couldn't fetch mysqli_result".
> Is this because the result set is local to Engine.php ?
> TIA, Cor


Do you have session_start() at the top of Report.php?

The manual shows an example of passing a php created class object using a
session variable, with the caveat of needing to include the class definition
on each page.

It may be different for a mysql result object though.

Why do you need the query on a different page than the result?


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